Re-enactment of the landing of Charles Grimes, Surveyor General of New South Wales on Long Beach in 1803. Marine Paul Winnell and Stuart Petchey as Charles Grimes.
Kingston Collection, City of Kingston
First Chelsea Council - Councillors with their wives and children - back left: Cr Oliver, Cr Williams, Cr Rigby, Cr Stevens, Cr James, Cr Hunter, Cr Richardson, Cr Guy. Front: Cr F Groves - wives not named.
Port Phillip discovered by Murray and Flinders independently.
Surveyor Grimes examined the coast of Port Phillip.
A convict settlement established at Sullivan's Bay (Sorrento) . Transferred to Van Dieman's Land 1804.
Re-enactment of the landing of Charles Grimes, Surveyor General of New South Wales on Long Beach in 1803. Marine Paul Winnell and Stuart Petchey as Charles Grimes.
A convict settlement established at Western Port. The settlement was abandoned in 1826.
Hovell explored the Country from Cape Patterson to the Koo-Wee-Rup Swamp, thence to Port Phillip and Frankston. He followed the coast to Point Ormond and returned along the coast after rounding the Carrum Swamp.
Port Phillip colonised.
Michael Solomon squatted at Moodie Yallo (Keysborough).
A Mr Newton squatted at Moody Yallock (Mordialloc), followed by Major James Fraser in 1840.
Joseph Stewart squatted on the Dandenong Run, taking in the Long Beach.
The Long Beach run was transferred to James McMahon in 1852, who obtained pre-emptive rights to the land where he built Half Way House or The Long Beach Restaurant later the Long Beach Hotel, now the site of the Riviera Hotel.
An Aboriginal Depot was established south of the Mordialloc Creek about this date.
The first bridge over the Mordialloc Creek was being built.
A Farmers Common established on the Carrum Swamp.
First land sale The Long Beach Allotments in the City of Chelsea, December 22, 1865.
The first Bridge Hotel built in 1868. The present Hotel built in 1870.
Hugh Brown established Pine Vale, a market garden and orchard south of the Mordialloc Creek.
The Carrum Swamp thrown open for selection.
P Carroll selected land that was later to become the Aspendale Racecourse. Mark Foy selected land from Embankment Grove to Chelsea Road.
James Nixon also took up land and his selection covered the area on the east side of the Carrum Railway Station.
George Whitehead selected 300 acres north of Nixon and it was between their selections that the Patterson River was later created.
The Patterson Cut to drain he swamp cut through to the sea.
First train from Mordialloc to Frankston travelled on the single line on July 31. The regular service commenced the next day, August 1.
First Post Office established on the Carrum Railway Station.
Aspendale Park Racecourse opened, together with Railway Station.
Methodist Church Services commenced for people living on the Carrum Swamp in rooms of disused Richfield Racecourse situated on the Corner Wells and Edithvale roads.
A fire destroyed a large area of the foreshore.
Methodist Church at Carrum opened.
Carrum State School opened at the newly established Methodist Church.
The first meeting of St Aidan's Church, Carrum was held following the efforts of Mrs Black and Mrs Guinn in convincing the Anglican authorities that a Church of England was needed in the district.
Image L248 Mrs Armstrong centre, a founder of St Aidan's Anglican Church Carrum with Rev C T Holloway vicar, and Miss Nellie Somerville. Last service to be held in that building before construction of new church. 1964 Courtesy Leader Collection, City of Kingston.
Land was offered along the beach front at £25 per acre.
The Chelsea railway Station opened.
Chelsea District Scout Association formed.
The first meeting to establish the Mechanics Institute held at Carrum.
Aspendale Progress Association formed.
The Chelsea Congregational Church was the first church to hold regular meetings in Chelsea, commencing at the home of Mrs. Kriss, Williams Grove. The church was built that year with the official opening on October 29.
Hoadley’s Hall, the Joss House, staff and some pupils at school. Taken in 1913 a year after Chelsea Primary School began.
The first meeting of the Anglican Church was held at Argyle Crossing.
The Chelsea State School opened at Hoadley's Hall.
The Chelsea Progress Association established.
The Carrum and Chelsea Volunteer Fire Brigades were formed.
The second fire along the sea front destroyed most of the houses between Chelsea and Bank Road, Aspendale (now Edithvale).
The first service held at the St Columba Church in Lochiel Avenue on June 1, following the laying of the Foundation Stone on May 10.
The Aspendale State School (now Edithvale) was opened with 30 pupils. Aspendale at that time extended to Berry Avenue.
Aspendale (now Edithvale) Methodist Church opened.
The Chelsea Red Cross formed with Mrs A.M.A. Black as President.
Keast Park Committee established.
Tree planting to commemorate 50 years of Service by Chelsea Red Cross. Mayor Cr L Payne, Mrs Payne, Mrs Moore, Mrs Mossenton, Mrs Meier and Mrs Mether.
The Carrum Electrical Supply Co Ltd commenced operations at its plant in Swanpool Avenue and electricity gradually took over from kerosene lamps and candles. (On 31 December 1944, the SEC took over from the Carrum Electrical Supply Co.).
Carrum Red Cross Branch formed.
Chelsea Methodist Church built by working bee in one day, in Sherwood Avenue.
Mr Bert Wright established the Lifesaving Movement at Chelsea.
A Repatriation Committee was formed at Chelsea to assist men and women returning from the war.
Proposed Water Supply from Bunyip River.
Chelsea State School turned into a hospital for pneumonic influenza patients.
Chelsea and Aspendale Football Clubs in B Division of Federal League.
Mrs J Shillinglaw granted subdivision of land 60 feet by 165 feet in Thames Promenade.
Chelsea Cricket team defeats Aspendale.
The weekly newspaper the Gazette established with a part time office at Chelsea, in opposition to the Cheltenham based Seaside News.
Edithvale Railway Station opened.
The first Council of the Borough of Carrum was elected on June 10.
Chelsea Football Club expelled in August. but later reinstated following appeal.
Salvation Army commenced with Services on site, corner Barnes Grove and Nepean Highway, Chelsea.
Mr W B. Thomas appointed own Clerk served to 1930.
Mr A. S. Collings appointed City Engineer served to 1951.
The newly established Borough of Carrum Gazette published by W.A.
Young's Frankston Standard opens a full-time office at Chelsea with Mr Albert Ludford in charge in 1923, followed by Mr Roy Beardsworth in 1924.
The Church of Christ Missionary started at Chelsea in a marquee set up on the north-east corner of The Strand and Bath Street. The Mission was opened every night during the summer and attracted much attention.
Mordialloc-Chelsea High School opened at Mechanics Institute Mordialloc.
Regents Park and Chelsea Recreation Reserve purchased.
The newspaper war between Mr Young's Frankston papers and Mr Ould's Moorabbin papers ended when the two companies amalgamated to become Standard Newspapers Pty Ltd.
The Aspendale State School No 4193 opened on 27 January. The school with 121 pupils soon increased to 140.
Bonbeach Railway Station and Patterson River Golf Club opened.
Chelsea Palais built in The Strand.
The City of Chelsea was proclaimed.
Mr A.S. Collings appointed Town Clerk served to 1951 in dual role as City Engineer.
Aspendale Racecourse closed to horse racing but remained open for motor and motor cycle racing until the start of World War 2.
RACV Club racing vintage cars at Aspendale Race Course, c1915.
The Centenary Clock erected. The Clock was donated by the Carrum Electricity Supply Company, the bricks and building material by Council, and it was built by the unemployed of the district.
700 homes were flooded during the December devastating flood.
St Andrew's Presbyterian Church at Chelsea held its first service in the Fox Theatre, Sunday afternoon 12 September.
A wooden Presbyterian Church was brought from Alphington and moved to the site in Sherwood Avenue on 3 July.
A Civic Service was held at the Fox Theatre attended by the Mayor and Councillors, church leaders and 220 others.
The first church service at St Andrew's was held the following Sunday.
Chelsea yacht Club established.
By this year the population was 8000 and the City was still progressing steadily despite the severe trade depression.
St Joseph's new church blessed and officially opened.
On the death of First Constable Gilding, a water font was erected in his memory by grateful citizens.
A severance committee was formed at Aspendale with the idea of the area becoming part of Mordialloc. A majority of Aspendale ratepayers voted for severance, but the Government Advisory Board did not support the move, and Aspendale remained a valued part of the City of Chelsea.
Clock Tower at Chelsea on Point Nepean Road, adjacent to the railway line. Erected 1934.
Chelsea Life Saving Club became the first interstate team to win the N.S.W. Indoor Life Saving Championship.
Mr Hugh Hackwell appointed Town Clerk served to 1964. Mr Alan Niemann appointed City Engineer served to 1979.
A flood occurred in July when flood waters breached the right bank of the Patterson River. The resultant overflow ponded in the low areas at the back of Chelsea.
From City of Chelsea Commemorative Council Meeting 1994
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City of Kingston acknowledges the Kulin Nation as the custodians of the land on which the municipality is a part and pays respect to their Elders, past and present. Council is a member of the Inter Council Aboriginal Consultative Committee (ICACC).